The plywood’s nominal thickness and actual thickness

You may have heard of the terms “actual thickness” and “nominal thickness” in relation to commercial plywood. We will learn more about this issue today!

The nominal thickness is the thickness that is often agreed upon in commercial contracts, while the actual thickness is the thickness of the plywood.

The thickness tolerance refers to the variation between the nominal thickness and the actual thickness. All plywood standards, including the ISO plywood standard, allow for thickness tolerances. In our facility, the plywood thickness tolerance is +/- 0.5 mm.

How to measure plywood thickness

Plywood thickness

Using the calipers to measure the thickness, as seen in the figure above, is the quickest and most accurate method. Keep in mind that if you are inexperienced with different types of rulers, you might estimate the thickness incorrectly. Although this plywood’s nominal thickness is 8 mm, the caliper in the image indicates an actual thickness of 8.10 mm. However, there will also be plywood panels that can only be 7.55 mm thick nominally, but its actual thickness is still calculated at 8 mm. This is entirely appropriate.

Vietnam plywood thickness

One thought on “Vietnam plywood thickness

  • 20/08/2020 at 5:24 pm

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